October Daily Vibes | Awareness Power Day 22

ABC.OctoberVibes22Week Four:  Awareness of Our Creative Ability

You create your own reality might seem preposterous when there are obviously things in your life that you would not have consciously chosen.  There are subtleties to the creative process that easily obscure the magnitude of our power.  Thus the purpose of this week’s focus is to clarify further and become more aware of creative power.

The ABC creative process:

ASK      ~      BELIEVE       ~    COOPERATE

ASK: Because we are always thinking, we are always sending out thought vibrations.  This higher vibrational end of the thought wave is then attracted by and incorporated into our Source Energy/Soul.  Thus we are actually always asking.  Of course, you can be oblivious about what you are thinking and speaking and ask by default.  Or you can be aware and create deliberately.

BELIEVE:  Our job is to believe that we are vibrational energy beings in an attraction-based universe; that the high vibrational end of our thoughts are attracted by our high vibrational Source Energy which in turn attracts similar vibrations; that a virtual vibrational Vortex of what we desire is formed; that all we desire is there, we have hashed and it has been given vibrationally; that all we desire awaits our attention to be manifest into physical meet ups.

COOPERATE; Now our workout – to deliberately manifest what we desire, we need to be a cooperative player.  We need to consciously calibrate the vibrations of our physical perspective with our nonphysical perspective. With our two perspectives in clear alignment we allow the manifestation of what we want to be, do, and have.

Meditate:  Calming the mind is a time-tested way of clearly aligning our two perspectives.  Not only are we then increasing our awareness of our Inner Being and Source and the Voice, we are actually assisting the manifestation of our desires by raising our vibration so that what we desire is allowed.

Thinking/Manifesting Correlation:  Choose something random to think about like the checkerboard pattern or feathers.  Think about it for a bit:  All the places you have seen the checkerboard pattern used other than the game board.  Once you have liked or unusual ones.  Or do some thinking about the mired of feathers, color and sizes.  How native Americans use them in customs.

Whatever you choose, just give that subject some attention and see what occurs during the week in relationship to that particular subject.

Journal:  Record your experiences with your “subject”.  Did it show up during the week?  How?
Also write about the times you experienced a direct correlation between what you were thinking and what happened.  Did you think of a friend you had not seen in a while and then they called?  Any instances this week of something manifesting after you had thoughts or conversations about it?

Day 22 Law of Attraction Centering Thought
I choose my thoughts consciously.

Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event.  When you’re worrying, you are planning.  When you are appreciating, you are planning . . . what are you planning?    ~  Abraham