April Daily Vibes | Practicing the Presences Day 5


Day 5 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I see peace no matter what.

And God will supply all our needs. This is a beautiful thought: that we are fed from the table of the Universe, whose board is ever spread with blessedness and peace; whose loving-kindness has never been fathomed; whose grace and truth are the cornerstones of reality.  ~  Ernest Holmes

I could see peace instead of this.  ~  A Course in Miracles


[box]Contemporary Mystics

Spiritual teacher, Carolyn Myss, refers to those of us who are aware that we are spiritual beings on a human journey as contemporary mystics.

A mystic is one who perceives the presences of Source/God beyond the veil of the five senses and actualizes it as a direct experience in the present moment.

Rather than retreating to a far off cave, a contemporary mystic looks to living the direct experience of Source in the midst of everyday life. From Zen Buddhist teachings we get the statement, “Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment chop wood and carry water.” So too for the contemporary mystic, It is the practice of being aware of the fullness of who you are, the presences of Source in the Now, in the carrying water and chopping wood moments of life as a physical energy being.

In Attraction Based Consciousness we teach that we as physical beings are a projection of our Source Energy. The largeness of who we are is ever connected with our physical perspective. Our job is to be in clear alignment, to not be resisting that connection, clogging it up with out of sync thought vibrations. In actuality we are all mystics, we all are a projection of Source Energy, it is a matter of whether or not you are consciously aware of whom you really are.

The great spiritual mystics have taught the importance of taking time to truly experience the presences of the Divine and, in some manner that makes it personal, intentionally deepening our daily relationship with that presence.

Do It Your Way

We do not need anyone or anything to “give us” access to Source because we already have access; we may just not be aware of that fact because of the many distractions that come with living in a human skin. We lose ourselves in the world because the seductive drama on the surface of life is always drawing our attention outward rather than inward toward our sacred center. We are 100% spiritual; we are always immersed in Divine Presences. The only thing we can do is become more aware of this truth. The way to this awareness is the idea of a spiritual practice.

“Spiritual experience is deep, calm and self-assertive; it is the result of actually realizing the Presences which binds all together in one complete whole. This experience comes in the stillness of the Soul, when the other voice is quiet, when the tempest of human strife is abated; it is a quickening of the inner man to an eternal reality.” ~ Ernest Holmes

Practice Makes Perfect

There are many practices to use to be aware of the presences of spirit moment by moment. A meditation practice, taking time to quiet your mind and focus attention on the presence of spirit, that Inner Being place of stillness within, is the time tested, ancient practice you can use to experience Divine Presence.

Our greatest talent as Spiritual Beings “immersed in a human experience,” as Teilhard de Chardin has said, is our ability to be aware of our thoughts and to clearly move from one thought to another. It is this ability to concentrate that allows us to progress through anything we may be working on.

Meditation: In you meditation time this month, start with a number of centering breaths, then bring your awareness to a pleasant feeling emotion. We suggest a focus on love. Allow this feeling to rise up in you. A way to do that is to think about something or someone that creates a feeling of love within you. Once that feeling comes, stay with it. Allow it to permeate your entire being. Step into the love intelligence that breathes your breath. Know that love is stronger than any other force in the universe. And it is showing up in you.

Meditate on love and practice being love throughout the day. In times of contrast become aware of the still place within you. Stand boldly on the foundation of unconditional love letting the outer do its own thing. If it means saying “no” to that which does not serve you, so be it.
