21 Day Appreciation Challenge Day 3

AppreciationQuoteDay3Appreciation Challenge

Week One:  Appreciation in Thought

Day 3 Centering Thought

I appreciate that I am always one thought away from a good feeling.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. ~  Oprah Winfrey

When the thing you were going to buy is already on sale – Awesome. ~  Neil Pasricha

Week One Processes

  • Meditation: a suggestion for this week’s fifteen minutes of meditation is to use the mantra, I am love, since appreciation and love are similar vibrations.
  • The Voice: To help keep the attention of your inner Voice on appreciating do the A to Z Appreciation Process.

On a walk, standing in line, driving the car, in a quiet moment or before falling asleep, go through the alphabet and think of words from A to Z about things that you appreciate.

  • Appreciate the Blessing of Choices: If the thoughts of your Voice are about a problem, appreciate the problem for the clarity it brought about what you do want.  If confused, you want clarity; in conflict, you want resolution; in dis-empowerment, you want empowerment.

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