July Daily Vibes | Mindfulness Day 8

Day 8 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

I know that my job is to focus on what brings me to clear alignment.

Enlightenment means literally aligning to the Energy of my Source. And genius is only about focusing. Law of Attraction takes care of everything else.  ~ Abraham

Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around us in awareness.   ~  James Thurber

Awareness of the Subtle Messages From Source

It is about tuning.  Beliefs are active vibrations within you.  As you witness something there is an active vibration. As you think about something in the past or future that is an active vibration.  If an active vibration is about something you do not want, it hinders getting what you do want.  It is not good tuning to the vibrations of what you do not want.  The obvious thing is to shut those thoughts down. The need is to be deactivated.  But the thing that makes that tricky is that while you are thinking about what you do not want to think about, you are thinking about it. Every time you say that I am not going to think about that thing, you are thinking about it.  You begin to think about it more and it becomes a stronger and stronger hindrance to getting what you want. The only way to deactivate thinking about what you do not want is to focus on something else.  But law of attraction gets in the way of that because law of attraction is so busy responding to the vibration you already have active, that it makes it almost impossible in some cases to think about the opposite because this is so dominate.

You cannot just easily think about something else because law of attraction keeps dishing up more.  Showing you more in your now, helping you to remember it from your past, gathering from far and wide anything that is active in you.  Law of attraction is saying here is some more, here is some more.  A more productive way to deactivate thoughts you don’t want is to quiet your mind.  It helps when you sleep to slow down the momentum but when you wake up you usually pick up where you left off because of the strength of the momentum.  When you wake up you could in time dominate your vibration with more wanted things.  That is doable, but difficult.  The easiest way is to quiet your mind altogether by meditating.  By focusing your mind on something that is not really an active thought.

It is helpful to sit in an environment where there is not a lot going on. A quiet room helps and comfortable clothing.  Focus upon something like a sound that is subtle and consistent.  An air conditioner is an example.

Just listen and enjoy what your ears can find.  Or notice your breathing in and out.  Sometimes you can here a sound in your own mind.  It is best if it is a steady sound so that you are not distracted.  If you can focus there for a little bit you will notice that your body feels different as your mind settles down and you do not give your mind an opportunity to pick up on those vibrations that it normally would.

By focusing pointedly on something that isn’t interesting, it does have your attention but it is not enough to go off on a tangent with it.  It is a sound that is manifesting, but it does not amount to much.  As you focus upon that, it will quiet your mind.  Then your vibration rises to the higher frequency of your Inner Being.  There is the point of attraction of your Inner Being and Source Energy on whatever you have going on.  When you quiet your own habit of thought then your higher frequency of your Source Energy becomes dominant and you are in sync with it.

Wisdom From Source

Your Source Energy is wise enough not to send thoughts to you that will take you back to your habits.  The messages will be general at first because there is no sense talking about that issue you have going on.  As soon as your Source would bring it up you will go right back to that lower vibration because your habit of thought is so practiced there.  The message will be more general like the feeling of well-being.  You might feel as though you are floating in a feeling of peace or contentment.  It is a subtle sense of well-being.  Sometimes it might be a sensation to move with a rhythm that is coming from somewhere. It is just this place of quiet allowing yourself to resonate and be bathed by, touched by and integrated with this high frequency of which you really are.  Once you do that for fifteen minutes each day. Do not go longer than that.  Do not ask your mind to be quiet longer.  It doesn’t want to be so do not push it.  Just try it again tomorrow and tomorrow. It might take most of the fifteen minutes to get to that feeling or it may take only a minutes.  You might get there and want to stay there a little longer just because it feels so good.


What you will notice after just a few days of that soft allowing of your vibration to rise you will begin to receive subtle thoughts because now you are in the receiving mode.  Your mind is not active anymore so that you are not going to be thinking of things. You will be listening.  The thoughts will be subtle because your Source Energy is wise enough to know what your best feeling path of least resistance is. Your Source knows when the right timing is for you.  Your Source knows when you are agitated about something and when you are open.  Your Source knows what your beliefs are about everything that matters to you.  Your Source knows what things you want and really don’t believe you can have. So your Source will offer you impulses of thoughts that when you receive it you will think you are thinking, but you are not.  You can tell the difference between your thoughts and those you receive from Source because those from your Source always feel good.  Feels like a good idea, like something you want to do. They might not seem like important thoughts but Source is offering you thoughts of least resistance.  A thought you can receive and not immediately begin to contradict with beliefs that would get in the way.

After awhile when you have been meditating for a period of time and your vibrational tone is often in sync with your Source, you do not have to quiet your mind in order to receive an impulse that is really a good idea.  Like when you drive.  You may not realize it, but often when you drive you are in a meditative state.  The road is sort of mesmerizing. The fact is that you can’t really be productive.  You mind is sort of in that lose place of receiving.  Often you receive an impulse to change lanes or to speed up or slow down or take an exit.  It is generated and offered to you by your Source and you are the receiver of that thought. It is wise to meditate every day to orient yourself to the subtlety of the vibrations of your Source.  Not so subtle that you know for sure that is the way you want to go.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Sometimes it is very difficult to quiet your mind.  It just keeps going a mile a minute.  You just have to start over again and again and again.  What was that sound I was listening for, oh there it is and then your mind wanders off.  If it does not work that day, just say, “Enough for today,” and get up and go.  But it is for sure that if you sit to focus on a sound, your mind will quiet.  Your Source will help you in this vibrational adjustment.  You just have to allow it.  Be easy about it.  Don’t try to make it work.  Don’t keep saying that it is hard.  If you keep saying that it is hard for you to meditate than it is going to be hard for you to do it because you have just activated a vibration that is working against you.  You just have to get good at tuning your own mind out like you have tuned out someone talking to you on and on.  You have to know that there is a pay off for it.  You have to know there is value in it.  When you quiet your mind, you have access to the mind of your Source.  When you have access to your Source, you have access to the pathways to everything you want.  The best ideas will come from your Source that knows everything that you have ever asked for and what sequence and combination of them will please you the most now.  The reason there is a now factor to the offering is that your Source knows your resistances and offers what is most likely to be received by you right now.  It will not be very long before you will know your own power.  You will be feeling your own vitality.  You will feel frisky even with no real reason to feel that way.  You will feel like celebrating even though the manifestation hasn’t come because you can feel it is on the way, unfolding.

If you say that you are trying to meditate, soften it by saying I intend to relax to get ready to meditate.  I am allowing myself to meditate.  Minimize the problem and allow the solution.

In meditation you are aware of the different frequencies.  In your awareness of it you are actually tuning to it.  While when you slumber that tuning process is not happening.  Meditating each day makes it easier to do the next day until before you know it you can get to the high vibes easily.

Stress Busting Meditation    

1 – 3 minutes

  • Stop what you’re doing: put things down for a minute.
  • Take a few deep breaths. If you’d like to try this, you can take a minute to breathe normally and naturally and follow your breath coming in and out of your nose.  You can even say to yourself “in” as you’re breathing in and “out” as you’re breathing out if that helps with concentration.
  • Observe your experience just as it is – including thoughts and feelings.  You can reflect about what is on your mind and also notice that thoughts are not facts, and they are not permanent.  Notice any emotions present and how they’re being expressed in the body.  Research shows that just naming your emotions can turn the volume down on the fear circuit in the brain and have a calming effect.
  • Notice your body.  Are you standing or sitting?  How is your posture?  Any aches or pains?
  • Proceed with something what will support you in the moment: talk to a friend, rub your shoulders, have a cup of tea.

Treat this whole exercise as an experiment.  Get curious about where there are opportunities in the day for you to just STOP – waking up in the morning, taking a shower, before eating a meal, at a stop light, before sitting down at work and checking email.

You can even use your smartphone’s message indicator as a reminder to STOP, cultivating more mindfulness into technology.

From Elish Goldstein, Ph.D., clinical psychologist and author of the Now Effect