October Vibes | Conscious Creating Day 16

Day 16 Law of Attraction Centering Thought

If all I did was just look for things to appreciate, I would live a joyous, spectacular life.

If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it’s the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are.  That’s all you’d need.  ~ Abraham

Deep within man dwells those slumbering powers; powers that would astonish him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize his life if aroused and put into action.  ~ Orison Swett Marden

Satisfaction, Satisfaction, Satisfaction

We are on a journey without distance. We are all on different journeys together – journeys of self-discovery, self-satisfaction, and self-appreciation. Each is asking big time and putting a lot in your Virtual Vibrational Reality.

Mastering the manifesting process means mastering the feeling of satisfaction. Sublime satisfaction is what speeds up the process from thought to physical form. That means there is no awareness of the lack of what has not happened yet. So, you know the process of it becoming physical, that it does not matter whether it has come or not because vibrationally it has come. That is enough for you. You do not need the proof of the manifestation. But that certainty needs practice to develop. The need is to make the association between the way you were focused and what happens.

Ready to Be Ready, To Be Ready, To Be Ready

In following your intuition, you may not realize the full purpose of the action, but you do feel satisfaction in what has been accomplished. Only the next and then the next action revels a very fulfilling event. Each action was a setup, a getting ready for the next thing. Your Inner Being, Source Energy knows a path of least resistance/best feeling to manifest your desires. You wouldn’t experience what is desired if you didn’t experience the set up.

This moment where you meet YOU, where the energies of you come together – this is all there is. You get to manage your vibration mix, your degree of satisfaction. Big things can come to you if you go for satisfaction. The thing that makes satisfaction feel like it is getting greater and greater is momentum … the more you look to feel satisfied, the more Law of Attraction can apply its masterful momentum. The best part of it is you get to watch it happen, you get to realize what is happening, you get to live it.

What you want is being projected to you all the time, the question is, are you in the receiving mode of it? The key is a feeling of satisfaction in the knowing that it is coming; satisfaction in knowing you are going to be more satisfied. When you feel goose bumps, you are feeling what source is feeling, you are in clear alignment with Source Energy.


Begin to become aware of where you are in the process of mastering the creative process. Perhaps you are pretty good at clearly aligning with your Source Energy, but you have not mastered the process. Perhaps you have gained clarity and now know what your emotions mean. You are able to manifest your desires, but know all is well whether your desires become physical or not. You know you have put them in your Virtual Reality. You do not get hung up on the way you want it to be. You do not need the conditional reinforcement for you to sustain clear alignment.