21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 4

Awareness Challenge Day 4 Week One– Awareness of the Attraction Based Consciousness concepts and the presences of Spirit The Attraction Based Concepts in other voices: Your sole business in life is to attain God-realization.  All else is useless and worthless.  ~ Sivananda The Kingdom…

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 3

Awareness Challenge Day 3 Week One  – Awareness of the Attraction Based Consciousness concepts and the presences of Spirit The Attraction Based Concepts in other voices: Our thoughts affect our emotions.  We will feel exactly the way we think.  ~ Pastor Joel Osteen When…

21 Day Awareness Challenge Day 2

Awareness Challenge Day Two The Attraction Based Concepts in other voices: The Kingdom of heaven is not some far off place in some remote part of the universe; it is a state of consciousness.Power, freedom, and grace are attributes of this field.So, too, are…

21 Day Awareness Challenge

21-Day Awareness Challenge Day One Welcome to this three-week challenge focused on Awareness. Being awake and aware are fundamental to a spiritual journey. We are doing twenty-one days because that is the time psychologists tell us it takes to establish a new habit. We’ll…

Live Stream Law of Attraction Workshop

Live Stream Law of Attraction Workshop [dropcap]J[/dropcap]oin people from over one hundred countries for this live Broadcast from Orlando of Esther and Abraham Hicks discussing how to deliberately create your life experiences. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Christiana Northrup, and Louise Hay all talk of…


In the Attraction Based Consciousness construct, enlightenment and clear alignment mean the same thing. Enlightenment is being of a vibrational nature in any moment in time that allows the fullness of who you are to be realized by you. When you are focused in…

The Refreshed Story

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ften most of our conversations and thoughts are about what we don’t like or want. We feel it is necessary to speak with historical accuracy about the events in our lives, about “what is.” These conversations resist the clear alignment between our physical and…


The time-tested tool of choice for knowing the fullness of who you are. When you do not think thoughts that are out of clear alignment with your source energy, you offer no resistance. When you have activated a nonresistant thought, the vibration of your…

Appreciation ~ Appreciation ~ Appreciation

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]ppreciating is the act of loving. Appreciating and loving are similar vibrations. The feel-good feeling of appreciation tells you that your physical perspective is in harmony with your source perspective. Because the vibration of appreciation is the most powerful connection between the physical you…

Attraction Based Conciousness Blog

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]eing the love you are is an ever-expanding mindful journey. Watch for posts of insights, inspirational one-liners and new processes to try as you live more fully who you are, gaining mastery of the energies of love. The intent is to clearly align your…